Sunday, August 4, 2024

Headlight Restoration

Being able to see on the road is the most important aspect to driving. Rainy Days, Dark nights and Fog that makes you wish you stayed in bed. These elements are dangerous for anyone but even more for those that have oxidation build on the headlights. It happens faster than you realize and before you know it your using your high beams to get home safely. I think we can all agree that our lives are worth more than $60 and that is the most you will pay for our service. Small headlights start at just $40 but the bigger ones can cost up to $60. It's a small price to pay for a loved one. So don't lets your family friends or neighbors risk it, make sure they know there is a friendly neighborhood detail guy that loves saving lives. 

        951-888-5828 / IG @DetailEverything / FB @WeDetailEverything

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